
Danville, Va. – Local attorney and former mayor Sam Kushner has been tapped to fill a vacancy on Danville City Council left by the resignation of Adam Tomer.

Kushner was elected to city council in 1976 and was re-elected in 1980 and again in 1984. He served as mayor from 1986 to 1988, a period generally viewed as one of the most progressive eras for teh city of Danville.

A native of Danville, Kushner practiced law in Danville for 38 years before his retirement.

The appointment is scheduled to be officially voted on at the city council’s next regular meeting, which will be held on Tuesday, July 7. If appointed, Kushner will serve on the City Council until a special election can be held in November.

The city council’s announcement of intent was made at a special work session Thursday evening. During the work session, the Council went into a closed meeting as allowed by state law to discuss possible action to appoint an interim council member.

Tomer announced in late May that he was resigning his seat effective June 30. Tomer current term was slated to end June 30, 2022.


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